Home News WVOE News WVOE Students Win NRB Awards!
WVOE Students Win NRB Awards!
Written by Ben Paulson   

WVOE students take home more awards from the National Religious Broadcasters Association!  Students from WVOE submitted their projects back in october and have been eagerly awaiting the results.  During the last couple weeks of December, several students from WVOE were notified that they were winnners!



Entry Categories:

PSA (:29 or :59 seconds): A creative audio production that promotes a non-profit organization, a ministry or event and/or falls within the FCC parameters designated for a PSA.

Commercial Spot (:29 or :59 seconds): A creative audio production that is commercial in nature.

Promo (:29 or :59 seconds): A creative audio prduction that promotes the station or a program.

Demo Tape: A 3-6 minute audio production that could be sent to a potential employer at a radio station or audio production facility.

Radio Drama: An opportunity to explore the "Theater of the Mind." Proper sound effects are a must, along with dramatic dialogue reflecting Christian principles and truths.

Newscast/News Story: A 3-5 minute piece that may include national and local news, sports, and weather.  Entries may also include an in-depth documentary centering on one specific topic or event.



All judging is done by media professionals throughout the industry.  Each submission will be judged by all or some of the following criteria:

  • Artistry, originality and creativity
  • Grabs and holds audience attention
  • Strong writing and delivery
  • Proper edits, audio levels
  • Overall production techniques
  • Proper Christian message/themes/values

And the Winners Are!

Radio Demo
Place: Ryan Nissley:
A Youthful Voice, A Timeless Message


Radio Promo
1st Place: Ben Paulson
Off the Cuff - Expand Your Horizons


Radio Newscast
Place: Ben Paulson
Ping Pong Tournament

Radio Drama
2nd Place David Youso
The Adventures of Jill and Ben

Radio Newscast
3rd Place: David Youso
Extreme News