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Radio Workshop
Enter Radio Show Information
Written by Webmaster   

Use this form to enter information about your radio show.  Enter your name, the name of your co-hosts, and the day and times of your show.  Also write a little about what your show is about, or what you cover on the show.  You can even upload a picture to use as your show logo.

Click here to enter information about your radio show.

Upload Audio to Website
Written by Webmaster   

Use this form to upload audio files to be posted on the website.  These can be your edited shows (with the music edited out), show promos, bits, commercials, etc.  Please submit them in a .mp3 format that is less than 75 MBs in size. Add your name, the name of your show, the date it originally aired, or when it was created, and a little bit about what is covered in the production. There is some backend work that still needs to be done by the webmaster, so it may be a couple days before you see the files on the website.

Click here to submit an audio file to the website.